Photo of Brentt, standing before a grove of ferns and trees

Hey, I’m Brentt!

I’m a San Francisco based interaction designer with a keen interest in pastries, neapolitan pizza, and bike rides through this beautiful city.

I fell in love with UX in 2013 when I started designing an iOS app for controlling smart-home lighting. In 2018, I got serious about pivoting my career and completed a 6-month intensive UX & UI bootcamp at UC Berkeley Extension.

I’m inspired by Bret Victor’s vision for humane computing, and Edward Tufte’s exquisite work on information graphics.

If I were a Messages sticker, I’d be a mer-pug:

Illustration of a mermaid pug with glazed over contented eyes, standing arms open in front of a rainbow and clouds


Illustration of a mermaid pug dramatically crying while half submerged in water


Illustration of a mermaid pug carrying two briefcases, walking away from the viewer. The mer pug's butt crack is slightly exposed in silly comedic fashion.


Illustration of a mermaid pug swinging gleefully while seated in an oversized fishing hook, with mouth wide open and tongue sticking out in reckless abandon.

...and willing to take big risks when it counts

But usually I just look like a human riding a tiny bike.